Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mama Mia`-Oh my God!

So it's 10:50pm on a Thursday night. This is mommies quiet time. When all the kids are asleep including! What a day! Sometimes I wonder how the heck do I make it thru the day? Ain't nobody but good ole Jesus! Thank You for keeping me! Can I get a AMEN! Ain't it something when you have time for everyone else and everything else but yourself? GRRRRR! Am I the only mom guilty of rescheduling there Spa date like 5x. I've been planning this for like forever now, and when I finally do have the opportunity to go, I don't. I think i will call it "The mommy pamper day withdrawal syndrome". Mama Mia!!
Now a days,  its such a challenge being a wife, an entrepreneur,  a full time mom of two amazing kids.My 13yold, Step-daughter Jojo, and my 5yr old son J.d. Including, the ability to keep a sane mind and trying to keep a strong faith. Because honestly some days, I just feel like giving it all up, and just run away. Yeah! I know that's a selfish thought, but it's my feelings. I have packed my bags countless of times, planned my many runaway and hide out spots. But yall know what keeps me fr. doing this? I can say this know, boldly with all the confidence in me, when I think of the goodness of Jesus in my life. All that he has done for me, where he has brought me from, and where he's about to take me. I can't just walk away! I promised myself  I wasn't gonna preach! But I can't hold it back! All glory be to God!
So as my eyelids are weighing heavy on me. I can manage to take off my supermom cape.Just we i thought t's time for bed, my son half way sleeping, fumbles his way into the living room, mommy! mommy! mommy! Now he is sitting in my lap snoring, while I'm blogging. Now it's safe for me to go to bed. Let me go catch a few hrs zzzzz! #goodnight#Mama Mia`!!!!

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